How to Save Money on Diesel Gas

With the ever rising costs of fuel in our economy, it is necessary for many to save money on fuel, especially those who have vehicles that consume diesel. At one time, diesel cost less than regular gas, but with the gaining popularity of diesel vehicles, the tables have turned and diesel now costs more than gas. Here are some tips on how to save money on diesel gas.

Things You'll Need

  • Cash
  • Fuel additive
  • Maintenance on vehicle
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      Use a fuel additive. At most auto supply stores, you can find a fuel additive you add to your gas tank each time you fill up with diesel. The fuel additive improves the efficiency of combustion in the engine. This results in reduced harmful emissions and a reduction in fuel consumption.

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      Pay for fuel with cash. Many gas stations now offer a fuel discount for those paying with cash, a discount of as much as 20 cents a gallon. Stop by your nearest bank or ATM and withdraw enough money to fill up. Go into the gas station and pay the attendant. When you are done filling up, go back inside and get your change and receipt. It takes a little more work than sliding your card at the pump, but will save you money in the long run.

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      Obtain a membership. Now, there are many big box stores requiring club memberships that sell diesel fuel at a discount. At some stores you don’t need to buy a membership, you just need to sign up for a store discount card. Spend less money on fuel by filling up your vehicle with discounted diesel.

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      Maintain your vehicle. Take your vehicle in for routine tune-ups and oil changes, or save money and do it yourself. Remove any unnecessary racks or extra heavy equipment that add more weight to your vehicle, which cause you to use more fuel. Be sure to check your air filter with every oil change and change it when needed. When the air filter becomes clogged, your vehicle works harder, which requires more fuel.

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      Avoid idling your vehicle. When your vehicle idles, you get zero miles per gallon. So, avoid idling in drive thru and get out, park your car, go into the restaurant, and order your food to go. Also, avoid idling with your air conditioner on, which requires extra fuel.

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      Plan your trips in advance. Use alternative routes, such as back roads or highways that don’t pile up with traffic. You want to avoid stop lights, stop signs and traffic. This will reduce the amount of fuel you use.

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