How to Act Drunk

If you have a reason that you want to act drunk but not drink, there are several things you should consider. The following steps will tell you what to do and not to do when acting drunk.


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      Slur your speech and forget what you were saying half-way through. Drunks can't seem to control their speech, so they're hard to understand. They are also quite forgetful.

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      Use foul language often, even if it serves no purpose. Bad drunks cuss every other word, whether someone is talking to them or not. Use two or three expletives at a time when you use them.

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      Lose your balance. A good drunk never has their balance for long. Pretend each wall is pulling you in a different direction. Falling on the floor will definitely add to the effect too.

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      Love on everyone. Drunks tend to be very touchy-feely, and like to hug and touch partiers of the opposite sex. Invade the "personal space" of the person you are flirting with to. Drunk people like to get right in your face to talk because they think they are whispering.

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      Tell everyone how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Some of the best heart-felt conversations are held when drunks are the ones talking.

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      Take off articles of clothing such as your shoes and socks, and if you are a male, even your shirt. Drunk people not only think they are the most beautiful person at the party but they also think everyone wants to see their body.

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      Find a stairway or steps somewhere and lay on them. Steps are magnets for the drunk when they feel like laying down.

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