How to Critique Note-Taking

One of the most crucial skills any college student can come to college equipped with and ready to execute is note-taking. For many students, high school classes are not enough to develop adequate note-taking skills. By critiquing your own note-taking skills throughout high school and college you can develop your notes into documents that will never fail you for that major presentation, surprise quiz or difficult final examination.


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      Review your notes at least three hours after you record them. Allowing at least three hours between when you took your notes and when you review them ensures you are viewing the notes with a clear and refreshed mind. This will help you critique your notes carefully and objectively, since you will not automatically remember everything you recorded earlier.

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      Look for sections in your notes you find difficult to follow or wish you would have recorded differently. Reviewing your notes after class is not only an effective way to study and retain information, but it also provides you an opportunity to critique your own note-taking skills.

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      Attempt to understand everything you recorded in your notes. Make sure you can read your own handwriting and understand any abbreviations you used. Flag anything you cannot understand in your note-taking.

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      Ask yourself whether or not you were able to stay focused throughout the entire lecture. Consider whether you got bored and took a break from writing notes for even just a couple minutes. It is important to understand your ability to focus, as being able to catch every word your instructor is saying is an important part of the note-taking process.

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      Quiz yourself on information that was discussed during the lecture, allowing yourself to only use the notes you took in class. Compare your notes to study guides or other materials your instructor provides. This will help you determine whether or not you took notes that were complete enough to allow you to answer all of the questions you will be expected to know for a test or quiz.

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