How to Assist a Professor with Research

Graduate students are often presented with a unique opportunity to assist a professor with research. However, juniors and seniors in college may also have this chance if they have proven their scholastic abilities and can find a professor that will allow their assistance. Here's how to assist a professor with research.


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      Before they can actually assist with research, college students must find a professor who is conducting research and will allow them to assist. While you might think this is a difficult task, there are a number of different research projects occurring in every department on campus, as research is one of the ways colleges receive funding. You can find out who is conducting research by asking the professors in your department. In addition, finding a professor in your department doing research will allow you to assist with research that interests you and pertains to your major.

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      Once you do find a professor to assist it is important that you take the time to learn about the research before becoming involved. Many professors have been working on their research for a long time often over the course of a few decades. Take the time to read through previous reports or books they have written to get you up to speed on what they are doing.

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      Do what is asked of you. While you may want to be involved in conducting surveys or running experiments, this may not be what the professor wants you to do. Instead you may be responsible for copying, filing or typing. Although this seems not important and may not be what you want, assisting with the project and doing what is asked may lead to future research projects that allow you to be more involved. At the very least it can provide a positive recommendation when applying for a research project with another professor.

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      Ask to assist again. Once the research project is wrapped up don't be afraid to ask the professor if you can be of assistance in the future. Most likely you will develop somewhat of a rapport with the professor, and your next research project could lead to you having a more substantial role.

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