Independent Living Tools for Students With Disabilities

With the technology and special programs available today, people with disabilities have fewer limits on their access to education. Students living with disabilities have a number of tools available to them that allow them to live and learn more independently than in the past. The Americans With Disabilities Act ensures that all schools and other public buildings are accessible and that students with disabilities get help they need to get an education. The majority of these tools can be grouped into several larger categories.
  1. Mobility Tools

    • For students with mobility problems, a full spectrum of assistive devices are available that allow them to live and learn more independently. These range from simple wheelchairs to advanced motorized models and state-of-the-art prosthetics. In addition to allowing the student to live independently, these tools help students navigate their school. Colleges and universities must be accessible so that those who use wheelchairs or other assistive devices can get to class.


    • Computers offer a wide range of assistance to students with disabilities and provide them with the help they need to study independently. For students with learning disabilities, computers offer methods of writing, storing, sorting and reviewing information that is much easier to keep track of and can help them succeed in their classes. For students who are visually impaired, computers use text-to-speech technology to read important notes, textbook pages and website information.

    Support Organizations

    • Some of the best tools at the disposal of students with disabilities are the support organizations within their schools that help students with special needs locate independent living resources. For instance, these organizations help students find housing that is appropriate. They might also help with things such as locating community resources and healthcare support if the student is new to the city. Career counseling once the students graduate is another service offered by many of these groups.

    Sense Assistive Devices

    • For people with either hearing loss or vision loss, assistive technologies help them achieve independent living. Students with vision problems are assisted by speech-to-text devices, textbooks in Braille and aids around the home to ensure they can safely navigate. Students with hearing impairment can use technologies such as smoke alarms that will signal danger through the use of strobe lights rather than sound, and websites with transcribed notes or transcribing software.

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