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Multimedia Tools for Classroom Instruction

In the classrooms of the 21st century, technology is becoming more present and essential than ever before. Teachers are being asked to use the latest and greatest multimedia tools to enhance student learning as well as prepare children for the tech-savvy world they will enter into.
  1. Computers

    • Laptop and desktop computers have become practically essential in classrooms as tools used to teach lessons in a variety of ways. A laptop can be used to show students a Power Point presentation on virtually any topic. Computers can bring the information wealth of the Internet to the class, as well as offer audio and video that will enhance the learning experience. A laptop allows a teacher to make use of interactive instruction while introducing students to the prevalent role technology plays in society.


    • An iPod can be used in a variety of ways during a teacher's classroom instruction. It can be used to play a podcast that is relevant to the topic at hand. In can play music that might be useful to the lesson or help students better understand a given concept. And they can be distributed among the students to allow them to explore multimedia in their own way.

    Speech-to-Text Tools

    • Speech-to-Text tools can be used to help students with a writing project or a presentation. A teacher can use a speech-to-text tool to help students with fine-motor challenges overcome some of their issues, and also to help students learn about the variety of ways multimedia plays a role in our lives. A speech-to-text tool might also help a student who struggles with typing or using a keyboard. This technology can also help students with hearing problems better understand the lesson.

    Interactive Whiteboards

    • Interactive whiteboards have changed the way teachers have present lessons to their students. These whiteboards allow teachers to access the Internet, play interactive online games to aid their lessons, and tget students involved with using multimedia in their daily lives. One of the most common interactive whiteboards is the SMARTboard, which allows teachers to write out lessons in digital ink and quickly save presentations, all while allowing access to the Internet.

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