How to Get a PhD Fellowship

For PhD candidates, a fellowship is equivalent to a scholarship. A fellowship is given to PhD students after an application process that might place them in competition directly with other students in their department. The benefits to a fellowship are numerous. Not only will you receive funding for your education and respective research or dissertation projects, but you will be placed in an elite category of students based upon your school work. This will have positive repercussions in terms of your employability as you will be able to include the fellowship on your resume.


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      Attend your university in a full-time capacity. Most fellowships require full-time status in your PhD program to be considered for the fellowship.

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      Research available fellowships for your area of study. While looking at fellowships specific to your study, be sure to understand who the fellowship is catered to. Qualifiers such as gender- or race-based scholarships should be noted and used if you fit the requirements. Be sure to understand the expectations of the fellowship, such as essays, portfolios and time spent doing research or in class.

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      Receive a nomination for the fellowship from within your department. Many fellowships require you to be nominated from your school before you can officially apply. Since these fellowships are catered towards specific departments or majors, notify your mentor or head of your department of your interest in the fellowship. Schools will nominate one or two students for the fellowship.

    • 4

      Apply for the fellowship. Look at this like you would a job application. You are proving your worth to those who award the fellowship, so putting your best foot forward is essential. Include in your fellowship application your student transcripts, your research or dissertation proposal and up to three letters of recommendation from professors or employers who know and understand your work. Additional essays might be required.

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      Send in your completed application by the due date of your fellowship. Be sure to include all items from Step 4. Once you have sent in your application, there will be a waiting period before you hear back. If you are asked for more information, be sure to send it back immediately.

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      Go in for an interview with the fellowship sponsor. Often, after all of the applications have been read, the sponsors of the fellowship will ask to interview the finalists. For the interview, be sure to bring copies of your transcript, your resume and any other pertinent information. Prepare yourself by knowing what the fellowship entails and who the sponsors are. Come prepared by knowing what you are studying, where you wish to go with your research or dissertation and what you plan to do once you have finished your PhD.

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