How to Write a CV for Teaching Positions

A properly prepared Curriculum Vitae (CV) can make all the difference in getting the interview for the teaching job of your dreams. A CV is more than just a resume -- it's your academic biography. As such, the further along in your career you get, the longer it gets. That's okay. Keep the language clear and concise, the formatting easy on the eyes, and let your experience speak for itself.


    • 1

      List your full name, a mailing address, email and phone number at the top of the first page. If you are affiliated with a university, you may also choose to list the contact information for your office as well as your personal information. If you list multiple addresses, center your name at the top of the page in a slightly larger typeface, followed by the contact information for each location in two distinct columns.

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      Use clear headings for each section that follows and keep your text styles clean. Boldface type and capital letters are fine, but avoid italics and fonts that are difficult to read. Remember that many senior administrators are older and may have trouble reading smaller type sizes.

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      List Education as your first section. For each degree from your B.A. onward, include your program, university and campus location. For Ph.D.s, include the title of your dissertation and your adviser's name and title.

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      Include a brief description of your Research and Teaching Interests for the next section if you are applying to a college or university. This is your chance to let the search committee know about additional courses you could teach, even if you haven't actually taught them yet. When possible, target this list to the position you are applying for to show them how you might help maintain and expand the program's existing course offerings.

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      List your Professional Positions. This is one of the only sections of a CV that truly resembles a traditional resume. For each position, make sure you include your title, the name of the university or school, the location of the campus, the dates of your employment and -- if the titles do not make the duties obvious -- a brief list of your responsibilities.

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      Follow these sections with ones on Teaching Experience, Honors and Awards, Publications, and Conference Papers and Invited Lectures. Under Teaching Experience, if you were a graduate student at the time you taught the course, list whether you were a Teaching Assistant or Instructor of Record, as well as the title of each course and its departmental designation. For Publications, separate out peer-reviewed publications from reviews and chapters in edited volumes; list the complete bibliographical information for each entry.

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      Conclude your teaching CV with sections on Professional Service and Activities and on Memberships. Include committee and volunteer work relevant to your professional life for the first section and memberships in organizations such as the Modern Language Association in the latter. This section lets the search committee know how likely it is that you will share the burden of running the department and how active you are in keeping up with your colleagues in the field.

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