How to Choose a Ph.D. Program

The highest level of academic achievement you can obtain is a doctoral degree, which usually is achieved only after receiving bachelor's and master's degrees. Many colleges and universities offer Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in different specialties, although programs can vary considerably by institution. This is why it's important to know how to choose a Ph.D. program that's right for you.


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      Find a program in your specialty. You can browse graduate catalogs from universities across the United States to determine if they offer a Ph.D. program in your specialty area, or you can use the Ph.D. program search engine.

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      Ask college faculty for recommendations. Many people obtain their Ph.D. in the same specialty field as their master's degree. If this is what you wish to do, ask professors from your master's degree program what programs and universities they recommend for pursuing a doctoral degree.

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      Meet the faculty of your prospective Ph.D. programs. You'll be working closely with these professors during the course of your doctoral studies. It's important that you feel comfortable working with them and that you can see yourself benefiting from the knowledge and expertise they'll provide.

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      Compare the costs of programs. With the cost of higher education continuing to rise, it's important that you find an affordable Ph.D. program. Find out the cost of tuition, books and fees. Also look into grants, teaching assignments, fellowships or financial aid for which you might qualify.

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      Learn the requirements of the program. Having family and work commitments aren't uncommon for students in Ph.D. programs, which is one of the reasons why it can take several years to finish a doctoral degree. Before choosing a program, you will want to find out how long you have to finish your degree as well as what you can expect along the way in regards to classes, self-study opportunities and research.

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      Find out how to apply. Once you've narrowed the Ph.D. programs to one or two in which you are interested, learn what steps are involved in the application and acceptance process. When you finally choose a Ph.D. program, you'll be ready to apply.

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