How to Study Russian & German at the Same Time

Learning a new language can be a difficult, but rewarding task. Learning the Russian and German language at the same time offers obstacles that must be overcome. Fortunately Russian and German have very little in common linguistically, which will decrease the number of words that inadvertently get interchanged during the learning process. Learning two languages at once may be a little overwhelming at first, but given enough time and effort you will begin to see progress being made. Learning German and Russian at the same time requires taking small, incremental steps, while staying focused on the task at hand.


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      Begin learning one language before you start learning the other. By having a small base in one language, your mind will be able to process information learned about the other foreign language at a quicker rate. Starting to learn both languages at the same time will increase your confusion, and make it difficult to know where to begin with either language.

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      Set obtainable goals that will help you keep track of your progress. You may feel overwhelmed and frustrated learning two languages at once if you attempt more work than you can handle. Setting and reaching goals will provide necessary encouragement, while enabling you to monitor the progress you have made.

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      Study each language independently, in short, frequent segments. Studies show that students learn foreign languages at a faster rate when they study for shorter periods, versus long study sessions. Studying each language independently will help keep you from mixing the languages together.

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      Find ways to effectively learn both German and Russian vocabulary without mixing them together. The most important aspect of learning a new language, vocabulary provides you with the words necessary to communicate. Study vocabulary words for each language independently, focusing on the difference in sound, spelling and usage of the words. Separate sets of color-coded flash cards can provide a visual reminder if used to learn vocabulary.

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      Form a study group for each language, and attend regularly. Study groups can work with each other on homework, vocabulary terms, and provide a sounding board for any frustrations while giving support. Learning German and Russian at the same time will be easier if done with the help of others than by yourself.

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      Actively speak both languages as often as possible. Speaking a language out loud requires you to actively transfer the words from your mind to your mouth. This process allows your mind to engage the new vocabulary in ways simply writing and memorizing words does not. Speaking German and Russian aloud will allow you to hear the differences in the two languages, enabling you to mentally separate the two languages when studying.

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      Keep a positive attitude through out the learning process, and you'll stay interested while learning each language. Becoming discouraged, or not enjoying the learning process will make it more difficult to commit the necessary time and effort that learning two languages require. A positive attitude will enable you to remain focused during difficult or trying times in the learning process.

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