How to Create in Text Citations in an APA Style Outline

APA Style was originally created by the American Psychological Association to help scholars and professionals in the social science community share scientific writing with uniform elements. One of the most important aspects of APA style is the manner in which you reference other works used as source material for your writing. APA Style uses the "author, date" rule for citing source material and the usage of this method is consistent whether you are writing a full essay or a full sentence outline.


    • 1

      Write a sentence that draws directly from another source such as a book, essay or study.

    • 2

      Print the last name of the source's authors, followed by a comma.

    • 3

      Write the date of publication directly following the author name. A full date is not necessary. Only include the year, i.e., "2010."

    • 4

      Indicate the page number of the source from which you are pulling quotations. Indicate page with "p." For example, "p. 200." Include this step for quotations only and leave it out when you are referencing an entire body of work and not a specific page.

    • 5

      Enclose the author and date in parentheses and separate the author name, year of publication and page number with a comma. For example, your complete APA styled in text citation has the following format: (Doctorow, 1999, p. 55).

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