How to Write an Academic Personal Statement

In the increasingly competitive world of academia, colleges and universities are finding it harder to judge potential students on grades alone. Personal statements are a common requirement for students applying to educational establishments. Not only do you need to identify your key skills, talents and goals but you need to present your ideas clearly and succinctly.


    • 1

      Read the guidelines from the academic institution to which you are applying. Most schools and colleges require you to conform to a word count, and there may be other requirements regarding typeface, spacing or paper size. Most importantly, the guidelines will give you an idea of what the institution is looking for in its students.

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      Plan your statement thoroughly. Think of why you want to apply for this major and why you chose this institution. Write down relevant interests and hobbies you have and link them to the subject. Think of your personal qualities and achievements and how they make you a good choice. Write a list and keep it at hand when you write your statement.

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      Write about what led you to be interested in the subject. Colleges will not want to take on students who fail to demonstrate a passion for the subject and a broad understanding of its major aspects. Explain a little of your life history and how it brought you to want to study this subject. This is a good way to include a quick summary all about yourself.

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      Go into more detail about your skills and experience. Paint a picture of yourself as a well-rounded, passionate and dedicated individual by talking about achievements you are proud of or which are relevant to the subject you are applying for. For example, you can write about previous study of the subject at school or college, internships you have been on or academic prizes you may have won.

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      Write about non-academic achievements, too. Being part of a sports team demonstrates good teamwork abilities. Playing a musical instrument shows commitment and dedication. Taking part in a school committee shows organization and leadership skills. Think of your talents and how they demonstrate positive qualities about yourself.

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      Talk about your goals in life. Think about where you want to be in five, 10 or 15 years and then think about how this major will help you achieve those goals. Academic institutions will be impressed if you can explain exactly how studying this subject will help you improve yourself as a person and how it will aid you in your chosen career.

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      Check and double-check your statement for spelling and grammar errors. Look out for commonly misspelled or misused words. Your attention to detail -- or lack of it -- will say a lot to the person reading your statement, particularly in subjects such as English.

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      Read your statement aloud to yourself. This will help you to identify unnatural or complicated language, which should be avoided in favor of simpler terms. Be prepared to rewrite your statement several times until you are completely happy with it.

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      Have someone -- such as a parent, teacher or friend -- look through your personal statement and be prepared to take into consideration any suggestions they may have.

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