How to Major in English Literature

Scholars who major in English Literature at college share certain characteristics. They love to read, have analytical tendencies, have good grammar and writing skills and are invested in the arts. The majority of English Literature majors do not expect to graduate into a high-paying career; rather, they are interested in becoming teachers, editors, writers or want to work in other English-related fields. Others plan to attend graduate school or law school, where having a background in reading and writing is helpful.

Things You'll Need

  • High school diploma
  • College tuition
  • Computer
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    • 1
      Pleasant campus surroundings can be conducive to studying.

      Research universities. Not only do different colleges have varied focuses such as science and engineering or liberal arts, those institutions that offer an English Literature curriculum vary in their level of excellence. While majoring in English Literature is possible at many schools, you should investigate different catalogs, read reviews of universities, and visit campuses to find those schools where you will be most likely to thrive, thus bettering your chances of successfully majoring in English Lit. Make a list of must-haves as a basis for comparison, including categories within English Literature that you would like to study, such as lesser-known Chaucer poetry or Women's 19th Century Novels. Make sure the college you select offers creative writing classes if that is one of your interests. Don't forget to check out the living quarters and the regional weather to ensure they fall within your comfort zone.

    • 2

      Complete introductory courses during your freshman year. No matter your major, your university requires you to take general classes in topics such as math, science, sociology, foreign language and, depending on your college, religion. Try to complete as many general requirements as possible during your first year to clear the way for more intensive study in English Lit the following 3 years.
      Also, complete basic English courses so you will be able to take upper-level Lit courses as soon as possible.

    • 3

      Because majoring in English Literature requires you to spend plenty of time reading and writing, organize your schedule to allow ample time during each day for homework in a location that is quiet and has few distractions. Be sure you attend every class session you possibly can, and follow up the same day by doing the required reading for that class. It can be easy to fall behind on the reading if you miss a day or two, and difficult to catch up. English Literature majors must be methodical about homework to be successful.

    • 4

      Take copious notes in class. Your instructors will be demonstrating how a scholar approaches literature, which is different from how you would read the same work for pleasure. Imagery, technique, thematic clues, wit and references to other literature are all elements with which you may be unfamiliar that accomplished authors use in sophisticated ways. Therefore, to become a skilled scholar, pay close attention to your professor, write down important points during class and actively participate in class discussions, where new ideas often complement established interpretations of literature.

    • 5
      Organization, good study skills, and plenty of thought are all critical to being an English major.

      English majors must frequently write interpretive treatments of the materials presented in each class, so for the best results, allow yourself plenty of time to research your subject matter and complete your assignments. Waiting until the last day to write a 10-page comparison of the use of natural imagery in John Milton's "Paradise Lost" and John Donne's courtly love poetry is never a good call. To successfully major in English Lit, you must be organized and use your time wisely because you will be juggling several authors on any given day.

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