How to Get a Minority Journalism Scholarship

Minority journalism students can apply for a number of scholarships that help with the costs of undergraduate and graduate studies. The scholarships cover tuition and fees, in many cases. Some are based on need, while others are based on merit and potential. Choose one of these scholarships to give your journalism studies a boost.

Things You'll Need

  • Transcripts
  • Resume
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Writing samples or portfolio
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      Start your search at the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists websites (see Resources below). These organizations award scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students already enrolled in an accredited U.S. university.

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      Read the eligibility criteria on the websites before you apply for the organization's annual scholarship award. The NABJ requires all applicants to register for membership. Student memberships discounts are substantially less than professional memberships.

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      Download the application packet, traditionally available by September for the following academic year's fall semester. Collect the documents that you need to complete the NABJ or NAHJ scholarship application. Complete the application by the deadline to receive the scholarship when you enroll in college next fall.

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      Submit all materials requested in the application packet in order to be considered. Ask a faculty member or academic advisor to check your application for completeness and thoroughness before you submit.

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      Consult the academic advisor or career placement officer at your school about enrolling in an internship in communications or journalism.

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      Download the annual "Guide to Summer Opportunities for ALANA Undergraduate Students" (American, Latino/a, Asian American and Native American people), at the Doors of Opportunity website.

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      Use the NABJ website links to get information about additional scholarships for minority journalists. These are available through major media outlets like CNN and other national media outlets. However, the funds have been set aside to assist deserving minority students with their education.

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