How to Find Free Grants for College Students

Grants for college students are a valuable resource, considering most families don't have the money to simply pay for their college student's education. There are many different types of grants, and other funding opportunities that allow students from low-income families to obtain the kind of college education they want and deserve. Below, individuals will learn exactly how to find free grants for college students.


    • 1

      Fill out the FAFSA.

      The first step in receiving free grants is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or the FAFSA. This application will help students and families find grants and funding opportunities that will allow them to attend college. The FAFSA can be found in high school guidance counselor's offices as well as online at The family's income will be taken into account, as well as several other factors, which will determine what kinds of grants or funding opportunities are offered.

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      Check Qualifications.

      There are several ways that a student can qualify for a college grant. There are merit-based grants, which are offered because a student has shown an excellent academic effort or achievement. There are low-income grants, which help all types of students from low-income families attend college. By speaking with a college representative or high school guidance counselor, families can decide which kinds of qualifications their college student has, and look for grants that are relevant. Find out more at

    • 3 is a website which keeps an up to date listing of grants available by the US government, including grants that help individuals attend college. One can search for grants by keyword, to find grants relevant to their needs. Details are available on each grant as well, so that individuals can discover whether or not they would be eligible for a particular grant. Applications can be obtained from this website, allowing students to pursue more than one grant easily.

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      Call the College.

      Another way for individuals to find out about government college grants is to speak to the college they plan on attending. Most colleges stay up to date on the available grants for low-income and exceptional students, so they will have information as to what kinds of grants are available. It's important for individuals to give them a call and ask about the types of grants available and which are accepted.

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      Network with Friends and Peers.

      Chances are individuals looking for grants will be attending school with peers who have obtained grants as well. These individuals should network with their friends and peers; find out what kinds of grants they're using to attend college and where they received the applications. This can give individuals important knowledge they can use to find grants to attend college themselves.

      By using the information above, students can find government grants that will help them attend college and get the education they deserve.

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