How to Get a Student Loan in Canada

In Canada, students apply for loans through the province they live in. For example, Ontario students apply to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Once students have sent their applications to the province, usually via the Internet, they are assessed for provincial loans and federal grants automatically. They also can apply for student bank loans with their financial institution.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Social insurance number
  • Copy of latest income tax summary
  • Proof of enrollment from post-secondary institution
  • Admissions package from university or college
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      Choose which province you are applying to. For Ontario, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and New Brunswick, student provincial and federal loans are integrated so you only apply to home province. All other provinces and territories are assessed through the Canadian Student Loans Program. The quickest, most efficient way to apply is online, by computer, through the student assistance program website. Paper applications can be processed but they take much longer.

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      Create an account online with the student loan program you are applying to and create a password you will remember to access your account. You will need your social insurance number, the name of the institution you will be attending and your course information. Once your application is processed, confirmation of enrollment is sent to your post-secondary institution for verification so make sure you entered it correctly.

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      Click on the "Apply Now" links and fill out the information required on the forms. This is where you will need to assess your financial situation, including your income information and estimated costs. To estimate the cost of your post-secondary school program, you should know about how much tuition, living expenses, books and equipment will cost. Looking at the financial section of the brochures and admissions packages sent to you by your university.

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      Review your application, submit it and open the confirmation email. Make sure all of your information is correct. Once the loan organization receives your application, it is reviewed and verified. You are assessed and given an estimate for the amount of money you are eligible for. You are also assessed for government bursaries.

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      Wait for a loan approval and estimate, checking your account often to see if any updates have been made. If more information is required, you may need to provide it in writing. For example, if your income is below what is required to meet daily living expenses, you may need to provide a letter explaining how you meet day-to-day needs.

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