What Are Intelligence Tests Really Testing & Are They or the Application of the Results Fair?

Measuring a person's intelligence via a standardized test does not always produce clear-cut, comprehensive results. Individuals who are book smart may be able to recall large amounts of data but may not have a high emotional intelligence. Since intelligence testing began in France in 1904, clinicians have warned against overly interpreting the results.
  1. Achievement Versus Aptitude

    • Achievement tests measure the amount of knowledge an individual has obtained in specific areas or competencies. Achievement tests accurately measure knowledge of mathematics, English, science or other subjects. The IQ test measures the ability to comprehend information and apply it within a given environment. An IQ test could be more accurately described as how well a person applies acquired knowledge.

    Emotional Intelligence

    • Emotional intelligence goes beyond the measurement of how well someone computes facts and figures. It evaluates how well a person perceives his emotions and the thoughts, feelings and emotions of those around them. Since emotions affect our daily decisions and interactions with others, emotional intelligence is an important corollary when measuring a person's overall intelligence and aptitude.


    • Behavior and intelligence are not necessarily linked. Individuals who rank highly on intelligence tests do not necessarily display socially advanced or emotionally adept habits and behaviors that are paramount to social success. Behavior involves applying the lessons collected through intelligence into relationships and personal belief systems that create successful habits and behaviors. Because behavior involves relationships which extend beyond the realm of book information, individuals with high IQs must learn to integrate EQ to become highly successful people.


    • A number of famous geniuses were considered ignorant and lacking basic intelligence early in their lives. Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Mozart and Thomas Edison failed to complete basic elementary and secondary coursework. Individuals who measure highly on IQ tests tend to think more creatively and intensely. They are inwardly focused and do not perceive the world in the same way as others. Consequently, their ability to interact with and form stable relationships with those who have a more balanced IQ and EQ is often difficult.

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