#  >> K-12 >> Spelling Bees

How to Spell a Difficult Word

Spelling bees are surprisingly fun to watch. Contestants use all of their finely tuned skills to make their way through to spell some of the most difficult words. But you don't have to be a spelling bee champion to have the skills necessary to spell difficult words. Anyone can be a great speller with these tips.


    • 1

      Trace, copy and recall difficult words. Divide a piece of paper into three columns with these labels and fold the paper so the recall column is on the backside.

    • 2

      Say the word out loud and trace the letters into the first column. Create a natural rhythm for the word that gives it a pattern. Repeat the process in the copy column with the word, saying it and writing it again.

    • 3

      Flip the paper over and recall the word from memory. Say it in the same rhythm and write it down. Unfold the paper and check to see how close you came to spelling it correctly.

    • 4

      Use different colors for words that are only difficult in certain parts. Although you speak the word "separate" as "sep-ER-ate," you actually spell it "sep-AR-ate." Write the word with the easier parts in black but capitalize and write the tricky parts in red.

    • 5

      Change the inflection in your voice when saying the difficult part of the word. Give more emphasis to the "AR" in the example in Step 4. Exaggerate the sound and repeat same intonations while writing and saying the word in the copy and recall columns.

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