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Preschool Sand Table Ideas

A sand table is ideal for creating a plethora of preschool activities. Various objects that coincide with the lesson plan provide an optimal learning situation that is also great fun for the children. Sand tables are quite versatile; more than just sand will work for preschool-appropriate games and lessons.
  1. Themed Play

    • Sand tables paired with specific objects easily emphasize a theme. Only a small amount of sand creates a fun and educational activity because the toys or objects are what matter most.

      Keeping the sand the same but varying the objects makes the activity fresh and new every time. Seashells go great with a beach-themed lesson plan. Small trucks or cars are perfect for play during transportation week. Small animals, plastic bugs or dinosaurs are amusing choices as well. Play sand even comes in bright colors so changing the sand to go with the objects makes the activity even more distinct and exciting.

      A substitution for the sand increases the flexibility of the table. There are plenty of safe options perfect for a wide variety of themes. Water tinted using food coloring adds to the excitement of playing with toy boats in the table. Macaroni, beans or rice provide a textural variation that preschool kids love. Rocks, pebbles or dirt boost science lessons and let the kids get dirty by providing them a hands-on learning experience like no other.

    Math Games

    • Sand tables are invaluable for teaching basic math skills. Children can measure, pour, count, hide and discover objects in the sand table regardless of whether it is filled with sand, water or otherwise.

      Burying small objects in the sand and having each child take a turn finding them is a fun discovery activity. Using gold coins turns it into a hunt for buried treasure. Each child can have his own cup to collect the items, and it makes it easier to count the finds. To reinforce the lesson plan, hide only the exact number of items that go along with the week's number goal.

      Water in the sand table makes it simple to teach kids how to measure and pour. This method teaches a daily living skill in addition to a mathematical lesson. After practicing measuring at the sand table, a cooking or baking activity further supports the lesson. Expand the math activity by counting cups of water, sand or other table ingredients before dumping or pouring them out.


    • Supervision is required for all preschool sand table activities. Young children can choke on sand or become irritated when it gets in their eyes. A clear review of the rules ensures comprehension prior to play. To guarantee a safe environment, anyone who throws sand or any other material loses sand table privileges.

      Regardless of the activity, limit the number of children allowed to play at the table. Unsupervised, the area becomes messy and chaotic. Too many children will cause the sand and other items to spill all over the floor, and the kids may argue or fight. Set up a specific number of spots and time the activity to ensure everyone gets a turn.

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