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Pre-K Class Teaching Ideas

Teaching a pre-K class involves instructing the students on more than just facts and figures. This is often a preschoolers first time in a classroom setting. They need to be taught how to handle themselves and how a school works.
  1. Controlling Behavior

    • Keeping the class under control is the first step. Kids can not learn if they can not hear what the teacher is saying or know what behavior is expected.

      Post a large chart on the wall at eye level. Write each child's name on the chart. Each day the students begin with five special buttons. These can be cut out of card stock in a seasonal shape, such as pumpkins for fall, snowflakes for winter and so on.

      If the child behaves well all day, they keep all five buttons. If they break a rule, calmly remove a button. Spend twice as much time praising good behavior and the class will want to keep all their good-behavior buttons.

      Consider offering a small prize like a sticker for those who keep at least four of their buttons all day.

    Assigning Jobs

    • Assigning preschoolers jobs in the classroom each day gives them something to look forward to and allows them to participate in the school day.

      Teach the students responsibility by giving them ownership of a certain area of the classroom. Rotate the jobs each week. Post all the jobs on a large chart on the wall and stick name tags under each particular role. Have students look for their names on Monday morning to see what they are in charge of that day. Possible jobs include taking attendance, charting weather, helping with snack, being a line leader and passing out paperwork.

    Keep a Schedule

    • Following a schedule is key to keeping a classroom running smoothly. Preschoolers do best when they have time to transition from one activity to another. Knowing the routine helps both the students who enjoy structure and those who are not used to it manage their day better.

      Physically move from one area of the classroom to another when changing subjects. This helps the kids mentally prepare for the next learning opportunity.

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