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Games for Impulsive Children

Impulsive children are always on the move. They want to move from one thing to another, and often don't want to sit still for a long time at once. Whether or not impulsive kids have conditions such as attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, they still need activities and games that can hold their attention and get them motivated and interested in what's going on. There are lots of games that work well with children who are impulsive.
  1. Play Pretend

    • Playing pretend engages the minds of all children, but especially impulsive ones. Play a game of pretend with virtually no rules. Have the kids start out as whatever they want: a cowboy, an electrician or a space invader. Then let the kids determine what happens next, and go along with it. Impulsive kids will be likely to jump very quickly from one thing to another, but that's OK. The point is that the kids can enjoy moving quickly from one thing to another without worrying about the rules of the game and whether they are following them.

    Engage All Senses

    • To keep impulsive kids active, play a game that engages all of the senses. This is a good game for younger kids. Ask them to close their eyes or blindfold them, and then have the kids feel, smell, listen to, and taste a variety of objects and guess what they are. The last sense they can use is sight, after they have explored the objects without it. The kids who get the most objects right without using their sight can win the game or get points. Not only does this give impulsive kids something to do with their senses, it also encourages them to stop and focus for a few moments on something.

    Scavenger Hunts

    • Scavenger hunt games work well for impulsive kids, especially if they are not too complicated. By the time kids have put in the effort to find one object, they may be bored, but then there is another object they can move toward. Both scavenger hunts in which kids have to find a list of objects and scavenger hunts in which they have to complete a list of activities -- such as take a picture, walk in a crosswalk or find a tree -- are great games for impulsive children.

    Artistic Games

    • Artistic games are good for impulsive kids because they draw on artistic impulsiveness. Play an art show game with your impulsive kids. Spread lots of art materials, such as canvases, paints, markers, clay and other art supplies, around your dining room or school area, and then have the students create as many art projects as they can in a given amount of time. This works well for a big group of impulsive children because once they get tired of one type of art, they can move on to another. After the time is up, display the art pieces around the room and make a game of going around to talk about all of the projects. Each child can say something nice about the other pieces of art.

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