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Toy Safety Checklist for Preschool Classrooms

Safety is one of the most important things to remember when working with small children. Infants and preschoolers can be especially vulnerable to choking and other accidents. If you work with preschoolers in a classroom setting, there are items you should check on a daily basis to ensure safety in your classroom.
  1. Checking Toys - Choking Hazards

    • Check the toys currently in the classroom for warnings and directions. Usually, if toys are not designed for children under a certain age, there will be an age recommendation on the toy (usually on the bottom, side, or on the packaging). You should also check toys for small parts that can be detached. When new toys come into the classroom, check for warning labels and small parts and deal with them accordingly.

    Checking Toys - Germs and Cleaning

    • If your classroom uses toys like dishes, plastic food, and plastic silverware, make sure that the children are not putting these items in or close to their mouths. If they really use the "silverware" as they play pretend games, be sure to disinfect at the end of each use. For stuffed animals and other cloth toys, have your facility launder them at specified intervals.

    Checking Toys - Storage

    • Make sure that your toys are stored safely. If items are put on shelves, make sure they are all low enough to be reached by the children, or that you are there to assist them in retrieving items from higher shelves. If toys are stacked on top of each other, make sure that they are in no danger of falling over on top of unsuspecting preschoolers. If toys are in use on the floor, be aware that tripping may occur and remove these types of hazards as they arrive.

    Checking Toys - Proper Usage

    • Do not allow the children to play with toys inappropriately, or in ways that the toy was not designed to be used. For example, do not allow small trucks or cars to become strollers or wheelchairs for moving children around. Do not allow building blocks to be used as ladders or climbing aids. Do not allow books to be chewed on. Use your common sense as you direct times of study and play in your classroom, and remember, safety comes first.

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