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Preschool Projects on Bird's Nests

Finding or spotting a bird's nests is a memorable event in a preschooler's life. Understanding about birds' behavior and life cycle encourage them to start searching for birds in their environment. Preschoolers can find birds' nests in a local park or in the woods. A project with birds' nests involves activities to promote the understanding of where you can look for birds' nests and the color of mysterious eggs.
  1. Observations

    • Birds' nest projects are popular in spring. Preschoolers may hear birds singing to attract a mate, and they can observe birds building a nest. Use outside playtime to observe birds. Alternatively, plan a trip to a local park. Discuss the experiences and let preschoolers ask questions about birds and nests. Write down their questions on a large sheet of paper. During the project, gradually fill in the answers to the questions.

    Different Types of Nests

    • Birds build nests in different places. Small birds often build nests in bird boxes that people put up for them. Other birds build nests in trees, hedges or mud. Read stories about birds looking for nest such as "The Best Nest" by P.D. Eastman or "Birdhouses" by Renee Schwarz. Peruse the Internet for different pictures of birds' nests. Talks about the shape of nests -- cups, burrows, domes, plates, beds scrapes or mounds. Let preschoolers use the pictures for inspiration to paint nests.

    Building Material

    • Birds use different materials to build their nests. Visit a local park and look for material to make a nest, or ask preschoolers to bring twigs, rocks, shells and leaves to preschool. A bird's beak is an important tool, both for carrying material to build the nest and nest construction. Birds may weave nesting materials or use mud or their saliva to hold their nests together. Talk about things that birds might add to their nests. The Australian bower birds collect blue things to draw the attention to females. Ravens collect shiny object s and put them in their nests. Let them make a cup-shaped nest using modeling clay. Line the inside and outside of the nest with twigs, rocks, shells and leaves.


    • The color and size of bird's eggs vary. There are white, pink, blue, grey, red, green and brown eggs. Many eggs are speckled. Ostrich lay the largest eggs at 3.3. pounds and the bee hummingbirds lay eggs that weigh 0.02 ounces. Make a rhyme about different types of nests and eggs. Let preschooler find word that rhyme with nest and egg. Words such as "best," "rest," "breast" and "dressed" rhymes with "nest." "Leg," "peg" and "beg" rhyme with "egg." Write down the rhyme on a large sheet of cardboard. Circle letters in the rhyme to form the words "BIRD NEST." Let preschoolers copy the letters.

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