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Preschool Bible Teaching Themes

Build faith in young children by teaching concepts out of the Bible. Preschoolers love exciting stories about the people in the Bible and enjoy learning the morals behind each narrative. Make sure to frequently review each theme that is taught from the Bible. Use real-life examples that are relevant to preschoolers to reinforce Bible teachings.
  1. Letters

    • Focus on specific letters to talk about Bible themes while also teaching letter sounds. When teaching the letter “b,” talk about Bible starting with “b.” Let the kids flip through different types of Bibles or color their own Bible picture. The letter “j” provides the perfect time to talk about Jesus and his birth. Share the Christmas story with children or have them put on a short play. Introduce preschoolers to prayer when studying the letter “p.” Have the students memorize Psalm 4:3: “The Lord listens when I pray to him.”


    • Preschoolers love learning about animals. Use the story of Noah and his ark to talk about his family’s faithfulness to God as well as specific animals and their habitats. Tell the story of Daniel and the lion’s den to explain to children that Daniel prayed to God, even when he was told not to. The king threw Daniel into a pit of lions, but he was protected from the lions because he trusted God would take care of him.


    • There are a lot of people that preschoolers enjoy learning about in the Bible. Begin by focusing on a couple more prominent names such as Jesus and Moses. Teachers can begin with the birth of Jesus and move into talking about his childhood, his teachings, his death on the cross and resurrection. Children find the story of Moses’s childhood fascinating. Discuss how the king wanted the boy babies destroyed so Moses’s parents put him in a basket in the water to protect him. Lead into the story of the Ten Commandments and how Moses led the Israelites.


    • Focusing on the Creation story offers the opportunity to introduce Adam and Eve and how God made the Earth to preschoolers. Students can draw pictures of their interpretation of how God created everything on the Earth. Probably the most significant event in the New Testament is the resurrection of Jesus. If the students are already familiar with the birth and life of Jesus, you can review how Jesus died on the cross and came alive again, and how the Bible says that one day he will raise up all of us to live with him also.

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