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How to Differentiate Between Equations & Expressions

Expressions and equations are the building blocks of algebra. Students usually first encounter basic expressions and equations in a middle school pre-algebra course, deepening their knowledge with more complex expressions and equations during high school algebra. In order to be able to work with both expressions and equations, students must understand the concept of a variable. A variable is a letter of the alphabet, like "x" or "y," that represents an unknown number.


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      Determine whether a mathematical problem contains an equal sign. If it does, as in 4x = 3, then it is an equation. If it doesn't, as in 4x - 3, then it is an expression.

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      Determine whether a written statement contains the words "is" or "equals." If it contains either of these words, it is a sentence, which can be translated into a mathematical equation. For instance, consider the statement "two is six less than a number." The presence of the verb "is" makes this a sentence, and it can therefore be written as an algebraic equation: 2 = n - 6, where the variable "n" is used to denote the unknown number. If a statement doesn't contain either "is" or "equals," then it is a phrase, not a sentence, and can be translated into a mathematical expression. For example, consider the statement "two less than the quantity 6 times a number." As this statement lacks a verb, it is merely a phrase, not a sentence, and therefore can be written as an algebraic expression. Using the variable "n" to denote the unknown number, the algebraic expression reads 6n - 2.

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      Understand the differences in working with each type of problem. A mathematical expression is defined as a succession of one or more terms that are separated by plus or minus signs, such as in 7x^2 - 5x + 4. Expressions can either be evaluated, producing a single number, or simplified, producing a shorter expression. For instance, a problem may read "evaluate 6t + 1 if t = -2." In this type of evaluation problem, substitute the given value for the variable. Here, replace "t," with "-2," yielding 6*-2 + 1. Perform calculations following the order of operations, yielding a solution of -11 in this case. Alternatively, you may be given a lengthier expression, such as 4v^2 - 8v + 1 + 5v^2 + 2v and asked to simplify it. Combine like terms by adding or subtracting them, in this case producing an answer of 9v^2 - 6v + 1. Equations set two expressions equal to one another, and unlike expressions, they can be solved. For instance, the equation 6a - 7 = 5 sets the expression "6a - 7" equal to the expression "5." Solve basic equations by first performing addition or subtraction and then performing multiplication or division. In the example, add 7 to both sides, obtaining 6a = 12, then divide both side by 6, yielding a solution of a = 2. More complex equations, such as b^2 + 3b - 4, may have two or more solutions, or no solution at all.

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