#  >> K-12 >> Mathematics

How to Construct Geometrical Solids, Dodecahedron

In geometry, a regular dodecahedron is a solid figure with 12 faces, each of which is a regular pentagon. Every vertex on the outside of this shape is where 3 pentagons meet.

You can construct a dodecahedron with some sturdy paper, scissors, glue, and this pattern.


    • 1

      We will construct a dodecahedron by making each half separately, and then gluing the two halves together to form the final geometrical solid. Since the dodecahedron resembles a ball, each half will resemble a bowl.

    • 2

      Cut out the pattern in the image. Fold all the pentagons and dark blue tabs upward. Also, fold the light blue tabs upward, and glue each to the adjacent pentagon. When the glue dries, you will have a bowl shape with the tabs glued on the inside. Do not glue the dark blue tabs yet.

    • 3

      Repeat Step 2, only this time use the mirror image of the first pattern. Now you will have 2 bowls.

    • 4

      Put glue on each of the 10 dark blue tabs, and fit the two halves of the solid figure together. The dark blue tabs will interlock with the edges of the pentagons, and the tabs will tuck inside the finished dodecahedron.

    • 5

      Now you have a finished dodecahedron! You can make a 12-sided die out of it, or dress it up to make a Christmas ornament.

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