#  >> K-12 >> Kindergarten

Dental Hygiene Lesson Plan for Kindergarten

Learning about dental hygiene is an important step for young children in growing into healthy adults. Start working on a lesson plan covering dental hygiene as early as kindergarten. Enforcing proper dental care early helps children begin the habit of proper dental care, which they'll carry with them for years after they leave kindergarten.
  1. Materials

    • The four key components of good oral hygiene are mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrushes and floss. Prepare your classroom for the lesson by gathering these items for the children. Distribute each item during class so the children get firsthand experience using them. Mouthwash can be dangerous; use brands specifically designed for children. Consult with the school nurse to find a suitable mouthwash you can trust kindergarteners to use.

    Explaining Safety

    • Brushing teeth is an essential task, but there are risks with both toothpaste and mouthwash. According to the professionals at Medline Plus, ingesting too much toothpaste can result in diarrhea, vomiting, heart attack and shock. Drinking mouthwash results in similar symptoms. Both items include sodium fluoride, ethanol and triclosan. Teach children to carefully portion out the materials they use when brushing their teeth. For example, a kindergartener should only need a pea-sized dollop of toothpaste to properly clean teeth. Instruct children to rinse their mouths thoroughly each time they brush. Don't eat or swallow anything for 30 minutes after using mouthwash to help the fluoride in the mouthwash work.


    • Telling children often isn’t enough to really help them learn something. Kindergarteners are visual people; demonstrate the proper use of a toothbrush, floss and mouthwash. Show the children how to apply the toothpaste to the brush and how to portion out the floss. Allow the children to come close so they can see you moving the brush over your teeth and flossing your teeth and gums. Review the proper brushing and flossing technique before you show the children, to ensure you're passing on constructive information.


    • Practice makes perfect when it comes to brushing teeth. Ask the children to practice brushing one at a time so you can watch each one. Coach them through the steps starting with flossing and ending with mouthwash. Encourage them to continue for the proper amount of time when brushing and rinsing, about two minutes. Ask the school nurse to stand in during the lesson so she can help you keep an eye on the children and manage emergencies such as choking on the toothbrush or accidental ingestion of toothpaste.

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