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An Art Project on Koalas for Kindergarten

Children are captivated by koala bears because they are usually portrayed in books and movies as cuddly, loveable animals. Implement koala bear art projects with children in kindergarten to provide an opportunity to improve their fine motor development. Different ways for kindergarteners to do koala creative art projects involve using materials like art paper, paper plates, paper bags, rubber gloves and toilet paper rolls.
  1. Paper Plate Projects

    • Help children use paper plates to create koala bear art, such as a koala bear mask. Ask the kindergarteners to paint a paper plate with grey paint. Once dry, cut the paper plate in half and glue on ears, nose and mouth cut from construction paper. Help children cut eye holes and use a hole punch to create a hole on each side of the mask. Thread a string through the holes and tie a knot at both ends of the string. You can also show children how to make a koala bear face by drawing the koala’s eye, ears, nose and a mouth on grey construction paper, cutting the pieces out, and gluing them on a grey paper plate. Hang the koala faces on a bulletin board.

    Art Paper Projects

    • Show kindergarteners how to make art projects using a variety of art paper such as construction paper, card stock and poster board. For instance, provide children with old nature magazines and encourage them to cut out pictures of koala bears and items from a koala’s habitat. Show kindergarteners how to create a koala bear collage by gluing the pictures on construction paper or poster board. Alternatively, draw the parts of a koala bear on grey construction paper. Then cut out the body parts and encourage children to construct the koala bear and then paste the koala on card stock.

    Puppet Projects

    • You can make koala puppets with kindergarteners out of a brown paper bag. Use a lunch-sized paper bag for the puppet's body. Help children cut out body parts of the koala from colored grey construction paper. Encourage children to use markers, crayons and an assortment of embellishments to create the koala’s facial features and then glue the body parts on the paper bag. Children can also use a grey rubber glove for the body of the koala. Show kindergarteners how to draw on or use glue to adhere facial features and body parts to the glove.

    Paper Towel Roll Projects

    • Use empty toilet paper rolls to help kindergarteners create koala art projects. For instance, draw a koala bear's face, arms, stomach and feet on grey construction paper and ask children to decorate and cut out the pieces. Cut a grey rectangular piece of construction paper and show children how to wrap it around the toilet paper roll to cover it to create the koala’s body. Then encourage children to glue koala’s body parts on the koala’s body.

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