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Organizational Study Skills for Kids

Once your kids start school, it's never too early to start teaching them successful study habits and organizational skills. From first grade and beyond, you can teach your kids how to manage their time, eliminate distractions, take notes and complete their assignments in a timely manner. However, no matter how competent kids become, parents should still check in on them from time to time. If your child knows you'll spontaneously check in on them, it will keep them on their toes.
  1. Time Management

    • When teaching kids how to study, it is important to emphasize the concept of time management. Kids should make study time a daily priority, and are advised to study at the same time every day. Study time should come before social activities, family obligations and extracurricular activities. Time management skills are important for kids' academic success, as well as their professional and personal success as they get older.

    Study Location

    • One organizational study skill kids should have is studying in a quiet, well-lit location. Kids should be seated at a desk or table, with study aides such as the Internet, paper, dictionary, pens, pencils and other reference materials at hand. The area should be quiet and free of distraction; kids should not be permitted to watch television while studying, nor should they be allowed to listen to loud music. Kids also should not text while studying, and should limit calls to those made or received for study purposes.

    Assignment Notebook and Folders

    • To keep organized, kids should keep their assignments in a notebook that includes the date, the subject of the assignment required and a short description of the assignment. Students should also have separate folders for each subject to hold their tests and homework in each subject. Students should have notebooks with dividers so they can have a separate section to take notes for each subject.

    Requirements and Beyond

    • When studying, kids should be encouraged to develop skills beyond their teacher's basic requirements. Kids should learn to search for the main idea each time they read, as well as supporting details. They should take notes to make sure the information is summarized and retained, and practice putting important information into their own words to enhance memorization. Students should also record important data tables and charts and make flashcards for themselves. Upon completing sections and chapters of their textbooks, kids should be encouraged to quiz themselves (whether or not the questions are assigned) to ensure they have understood the material.

    Break Time

    • When studying, kids should be encouraged to take frequent, short breaks. They will retain information better if their minds are constantly rested and refreshed, especially after a long, arduous school day. Kids should also take a break when feeling stressed, frustrated or overwhelmed.

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