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Reasons to Go to Public School Instead of Home School

School is one of the most impacting influences in a child's life. Public school affords children the opportunity to glean influences from a variety of instructors and peers throughout their lifetime, some of them positive and some negative. Home school allows a parent or guardian to tailor a child's education and influences to meet the needs of that specific child.
  1. Time

    • Public school should be chosen as a mode of education when a parent or guardian cannot dedicate adequate time to educating children. Considerations include: research of curricula and programs to meet the needs of each child, continuing education for the main teacher, preparation time both for the year as a whole and for weekly and daily instruction, and finally, instruction time.


    • Public school is an inexpensive method of educating children. If a parent or guardian does not have financial resources to research and purchase curricula, books, and supplies or complete continuing education opportunities, then public school is the best option. Property taxes cover the cost of nearly every article necessary for public schooling, making it affordable for every child in the nation.

    Special Needs

    • Federal law requires that children with special needs are provided with necessary services in the public school system. Professional evaluation, testing, coordination and programs are available to children via the public school system. Legally, these services are available to every family; however, access is not as streamlined as it is within the public school system.


    • College recruiters evaluate athletes on the high school field.

      The high school athletic field is a prime location for college recruiters to evaluate a prospective college athlete. Home-school students can create their own opportunities with some effort, depending on the sport. Unless the sport a student is passionate about has an excellent club, public school may be the better option for future sports stars.

    Personality and Perseverance

    • Schooling children and adolescents requires patience, effort, preparation, planning and comprehensive understanding of a student's needs as well as the materials being presented. Those unable or without the desire to expend energy towards that end will be better served by public school.


    • Public schools attempt to omit belief systems from their education model. According to the U.S. Department of Education in a 2003 article, "The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the First Amendment requires public school officials to be neutral in their treatment of religion, showing neither favoritism toward nor hostility against religious expression..." Some parents and guardians send their children to public school to be educated in an environment that is not under the influence of any single religion.

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