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Cultural Projects for Foreign Languages

You can never completely separate a language from the culture of the people who speak it. Culture influences everything from a language's vocabulary to its syntax, and even people's typical pace of speech. Cultural projects let students explore elements of a foreign language's culture that are relevant to their personal interests and in the process gain insight that will help them use the foreign language in real world situations.
  1. Family House Project

    • Students will separate into groups of four with two boys and two girls in each group. Each member of the group will play the roll of a different family member in a typical household in your language's country. All students will write a single-page paper on what their daily lives are like in their country. Groups will prepare an illustration of the house their family would live in with descriptions of the activities that typically go on in each room. Each group will make a short presentation introducing their family to the class.

    Food Project

    • Arrange for a banquet near the end of the semester and have students prepare and bring in different dishes native to your language's country. They should also prepare a single-page paper detailing the history of the dish, how it is made, and how it reflects the country's unique culture. Have students sample at least three dishes and write a one-paragraph review of each where they explain the taste of the dish and why they like or dislike it.

    Storytelling Project

    • Folklore, such as ghost stories and local legends, occurs in all cultures. Students will pick a traditional story from your language's culture and commit it to memory. Get everyone in a circle on the floor and have students tell their stories to the class in a dramatic fashion -- you can even turn out the lights and use a flashlight to enhance the spookiness of ghost stories. Students will include at least one extra element to make their tale come to life, like showing an illustration of a scene from their stories or playing music during their narrations.

    Art and Architecture Project

    • Students will research an important artist or architect from your language's country and create a poster on him. The poster should give the artists or architect's biography and detail his major works. It should also explain influence he had in his field and how his work reflected his culture.It should include at least three visual examples of the artist's or architect's work. Students will make a short presentation to the class on their subject, which should include two or three facts not on the poster.

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