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Science Fair Projects Involving the Space Station

Space stations are spacecrafts that are designed to remain in orbit for extended periods of time. Most space stations orbit the earth and have the ability to allow other spacecraft to dock into them for refueling, repair and retrieving information and materials. Space station science fair projects help students learn about space, astrophysics, technology and aerospace engineering.
  1. Models

    • A common space station science fair project involves students making models of space stations. These models can be constructed from kits available at educational stores and online. Many kits replicate real-life space stations. As students put the kits together with model glue, they learn about the construction of the space station and how it works in orbit. Additionally, students can design and make their own space station model out of paper boxes, glue and card stock. Having students design their own space station promotes an understanding of exactly what is necessary to sustain life in outer space.

    Space Station History

    • Researching the history of the space station allows students to understand the aerospace technological developments that have occurred since the first space station was put into orbit. Soyuz 11, a Russian spacecraft, became the world's first successful space station, but was also responsible for the deaths of the three-man crew when the cabin became depressurized. Students can compare this accident with subsequent advances in the technology of the International Space Station and Mir space station and present their findings in comparison charts, diagrams of different space space stations and photos and images associated with the space stations.

    Life in Space

    • Space stations are also used to help scientists understand the long-term effects of life in space. The conditions of space, such as lack of oxygen and gravity, can cause damage to different bodily systems, including muscle weakness and trouble with fluid distribution. Creating a science fair project about how life is lived in space can help students understand these issues. Students can present their findings on the long-term effects of living in space on poster board and can also try to make their own space food, similar to the food eaten on a space station.

    Aerospace Engineering

    • Students can learn about astrophysics and jet propulsion by creating a science fair project about a space station. Space stations and the rockets that dock in them must be launched from earth. This requires a large transfer of energy. Students can build a simple rocket models using a balloon, a straw and a rubber band. The balloon is inflated and then the straw is placed about halfway inside the nozzle and secured with a rubber band. When the balloon is released, it takes off much like a rocket. Students can also use other materials, such as paper towel tubes, to make a more realistic looking rocket.

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