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Science Fair Projects on Baby Polar Bears

Baby polar bears are not what we expect, making them an excellent subject for a science fair project that challenges presumptions. Polar bears maintain a body temperature of 98 degrees even in below freezing temperatures. Their fur appears white to the eye but is actually transparent, covering their thick, black, sun-absorbing skin, which is why in certain light they actually appear black. Baby polar bears brave the harsh conditions of the Arctic, making them amazing animals that are definitely worth studying.
  1. How do Baby Polar Bears Stay Warm?

    • This project can be completed using items commonly found in the kitchen. For this project, you will need two glass jars, coffee, two large rubber bands or pieces of string, a white piece of fabric, a sheet of clear cellophane wrap and a food thermometer. Fill each glass jar with an equal amount of coffee (use at least 1 cup in each). Cover one jar with the white fabric and one with the clear cellophane wrap, securing each with a rubber band or string around the mouth of the jar. Place both jars in the sun for a few hours. Then measure the temperature of the coffee in each jar. The coffee in the jar with the cellophane wrap will be warmer. This project demonstrates how the fur on baby polar bears attracts heat to keep them warm. Their fur is translucent and directs sunlight to their black skin below.

    How Would an Oil Spill Affect a Baby Polar Bear?

    • This project requires minimal items, most of which are already in your home. For this project, you will need a feather or a piece of acrylic fur (check local craft stores), a toothbrush, a spray bottle with water, vegetable oil, soap and water. Spray water on the feather or acrylic fur and feel the texture to discover what it should feel like. Then dip the fur in oil and observe what the oil does. Wash the feather or fur with soap and water, even scrubbing it with a toothbrush. Notice that it does not return to the original condition before it came into contact with the oil. Baby polar bears are at risk for oil spills and rely on their fur to keep them warm in below freezing temperatures.

    How do Baby Polar Bears Stay Warm in Freezing Cold Water?

    • This project requires only a few items. You will need a mixing bowl or zip-lock bag, one rubber glove, a bucket of ice water and a can of shortening. Fill the bowl or zip-lock bag with shortening to simulate the thick, fat layer on polar bears. Put on the rubber glove and place this gloved hand in the bucket of ice water. Observe how long you can keep your hand in the freezing water. Now place the gloved hand in the bowl or zip-lock bag of shortening, covering the gloved hand with shortening. Place the shortening-covered gloved hand in the ice water and observe how the shortening keeps your gloved hand warm. Baby polar bears keep warm in cold water because they are insulated by a layer of fat.

    How do Events, Policies and Laws Affect Baby Polar Bear Populations?

    • Collect data on either an event, policy or law that affects regions where baby polar bears live. Collect data on baby polar bear populations before, during and after the period the event, policy or law was in effect. Analyze the data and identify any changes to baby polar bear populations that are present.

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