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Elementary Life Science Experiments on Animal Behavior

A number of little ones are very interested in animal life. Therefore, engaging elementary school students in experiments on animal behavior allows them to work with a subject of interest to them. Since the students are young, the experiments will be at a basic level, but they will still be educational.
  1. Worms and Light

    • Purchase a worm habitat kit from a local school supply store or science project website. The kit will come with several different colored transparencies to be placed over the habitat. Have students count the number of worms that they are able to see and how the worms respond under the different colors (for example, red, blue, green, yellow, white and no light). Do three trials for each of the colors. Allow the students to fill in the chart for the trials on the blackboard.

    Favorite Animal Food

    • Have the students do a project at home with their pet dog or cat. For the first trial, they will put two different types of food right next to each other and observe which food the animal eats first. They should repeat this several times for accurate results. After they complete that step, they will place two bowls of food a distance away from each other and repeat the observations. The next day, ask students to share what they found with the class.

    Bird Project

    • Take the students outside to see if birds know when they are being watched. See how close one student can get to a bird before it flies away. Repeat the experiment with different amounts of students. Scatter bird seed around in a large circle and sit inside it. Look in only one direction. Have the students watch behind you and tell you whether the birds eat the seed that is closest to you, behind you or in another place.

    Mirror Project

    • Have students do this project at home with pets, or bring a number of small animals into the classroom, such as hamsters, rabbits, birds, reptiles and so forth. Be sure to check if your students have any allergies before doing so. Have students guess what different animals will do when they look at their mirror reflections. Give the students a small hand mirror and allow them to walk up to each animal to see if their hypotheses were correct.

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