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Art Learning Activities for Seventh-Graders

By seventh grade, children experience a "pre-teen growth spurt." Their values, habits and daily living patterns and activities change drastically. As they struggle with their sense of identity, art activities can help them express their moods, as well as develop individual skills and talents.
  1. Specific Artists

    • "Crows over Wheatfield" by Vincent Van Gogh

      One activity can help students better understand the artwork of a particular famous artist, such as Vincent Van Gogh. By studying samples of that artist's work, a seventh-grader can create pieces that reflect that artist's use of composition, texture and artistic elements such as lines, color and tone.

    Inspired by Life

    • Still-life drawings and paintings are easy art activities for seventh-graders.

      Invite seventh-graders to work with still-life drawings to learn perspective. Using a variety of media, such as watercolors, chalk, pencils or crayon, students can explore nature, people and buildings by creating detailed images.

    Baskets and Other Crafts

    • Young people can learn to make baskets and crafts with recycled materials.

      Seventh-graders can learn about the environment by making art projects from recycled materials. Use magazines and newspapers to create collages. Weave discarded potato chip bags into baskets. Create boxes using discarded plastic items, and decorate them with dried fruits, flowers and macaroni. Students can make vases from recycled glass and bottles.

    Art and History

    • Middle school kids can learn about the world through art.

      Seventh-graders can learn about specific politicians, philosophers, scientists, psychologists, and other historical figures by drawing caricatures, silhouettes, and sketches of these people. After they finish the project, invite them to give a two-minute presentation on their subject.

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