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How to Divide Fractions in Word Problems

Word problems containing fractions to be divided may seem confusing when you first read them, but they are really no different than regular math problems. Write down the information given, then perform the operations necessary to get the solution. A division word problem will typically present a large item, or the dividend, such as a pound of flour, that is being divided into smaller portions, or the divisor, such as the amount of flour needed to make a baked good. The solution, or quotient, in this case will be the number of baked goods that can be made.

Things You'll Need

  • Calculator (optional)
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    • 1

      Identify the divisor, dividend and quotient in the given word problem. For example, if a baker has 7 1/2 lbs. of flour, and each cake requires 1/2 lb., how many cakes can the baker make? Here the dividend is 7 1/2, the divisor 1/2. Solve to find the quotient -- the solution is the number of cakes.

    • 2

      Set up your equation: (7 1/2) / (1/2 ) = q and solve for q. Convert any mixed numbers, such as (7 1/2) into fractions (multiply 7 x 2 and then add 1/2, which results in 15/2). Solve the equation: (15 / 2) / (1 / 2), remembering how fractions are divided: the divisor is flipped, and then the fractions are multiplied: (15 / 2 ) x ( 2 / 1).

    • 3

      Simplify the equation, if possible. (15 / 2) x (2 / 1) can be simplified, as the 2 in the denominator of the first fraction and the 2 in the numerator of the second fraction cancel each other out, leaving: (15 / 1) x (1 / 1). Multiply and find the value for q: here q = 15 and the baker can make 15 cakes with 7 1/2 lbs. of flour.

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