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What Are the Benefits of Youth Sports Participation?

Sports are played by kids of all ages. Youth leagues are run through a county, region, state or school system. The leagues can be casual or competitive. The most popular youth sports include soccer, basketball, baseball and football. Encouraging your kids to practice and play a sport can be very beneficial to their social skills, teamwork ability and health.
  1. Making Friends

    • Youngsters who play on a sports team often become friends. Time spent at practice, games and tournaments provides opportunities for kids with a common interest to be together. According to a report by the University of Florida, friendship is extremely important for school-age children and can help them avoid mental and emotional disorders later in life. Friends also help teach children about responding to emotion and controlling their own, the report says. Parenting website myChild notes that teamwork is vital to a child's ability to form interpersonal connections.

    Learning Teamwork

    • Youth sports teaches the importance of team work. Similar to the Boy Scouts patrol system, success requires every player to put the team first. In sports such as soccer and basketball, simple things such as passing can build an understanding of the importance of working together, a vital life skill. A presentation by the Keystone Central School District in Pennsylvania stresses that teamwork in the workplace creates greater flexibility and a better end product.

    Physical Exercise

    • Sports provide a way to get healthy and stay in shape. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, most youngsters do not get the recommended hour of daily physical activity. Being on a sports team guarantees there will be less time for the TV and video games, and practice combined with weekly games will help keep them in shape. Even one hour of exercise a day helps to avoid weight gain, according to WebMD.

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