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How to Select a School Play

Choosing an appropriate play can require some thought. Depending on the age of your students and actors, some material may be too difficult, or simply inappropriate for their age group. Consider these factors when you select a play to perform at your school


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      Narrow down your choices. Select a specific genre of play, such as tragedy or comedy. You should also consider whether you wish to perform a musical or another type of play that may require the cast to dance, sing or speak a foreign language.

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      Check with your administration to determine whether you need their approval. Depending on the school, members of the administrative staff may need to agree to a play before you can stage a production.

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      Research plays you may have an interest in producing by talking to others who have completed performances. Look into how other schools or theater groups may have staged them and whether they ran into any problems.

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      Check to ensure the vocabulary and subject matter is age appropriate. If your actors don't understand the material they are learning, you will have a harder time putting on the play.

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      Make sure that your capabilities are up to any play you choose. Check that you have enough actors available for each part, that your stage can handle any technical requirements and that your budget can afford any necessary costumes and props. For instance, doing a period piece will often be more costly than staging a play set in modern times.

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      Consider the rights of production to plays. Many of the newer plays are copyrighted and their authors may require a fee if you plan to produce them. While few playwrights will be concerned by an unlicensed school production, you should still make the effort to license a play correctly.

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