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Supplies & Activities for After-School Care

If you're at work, how do you make sure your young children are safe after school till it's time for you to come pick them up? Many parents solve this problem by leaving their kids at an after-school care program. A variety of programming at the after-school care facility appeals to a wider range of participants. The activity ideas are easy to adapt to fit any after-school care program.
  1. Homework

    • Homework is common for all grade levels, even the primary grades. Some children don't receive homework support at home from parents, so the after-school care program is an ideal time to help those students. The kids can complete their homework before they even get home, allowing them more free time with their families. Set up a quiet area for homework, especially if only some of the children will participate in the homework session.

    Physical Activity

    • After sitting in the classroom most of the day, kids need to burn off energy. Physical activity comes in many forms for an after school care program. Running around on the playground is a simple option that doesn't require any special equipment. A walk to a local park is also an option if the program isn't held at the school. Organized games and activities that keep the kids active are also an option. Ideas include basketball games, kickball, tag and relay races.


    • Art projects engage the creativity of the young participants. The open-ended nature of art activities allow all kids to be successful. A designated art area keeps the supplies and mess contained. An easel provides a location for painting and drawing. Other art activities might include collages, sculpting, recycled crafts and jewelry making. Another option is to pull out several different art supplies and let the kids come up with their own art projects.


    • The supplies vary based on the age group for the after-school care program and the activities you choose to include. General office supplies provide the needed materials for participants working on homework. Reference materials or an Internet connection are also useful but not necessary. Books at the after-school care program promote literacy. Art supplies such as paint, paper, glue, glitter, construction paper, scissors and beads allow the kids to engage in creative projects. Toys, balls and other items that promote physical activity also fit onto the list.

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