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Speech Topics for Grade Schools

Giving a speech helps grade school pupils learn how to make their words useful. Kindergartners through fifth-graders have a lot to say if they have a good topic and someone who will listen. Whether the subject is school, play, home, history or future events, learning to put information together and to deliver it to others will guide them to an avenue for ongoing communication. They will learn effective ways to communicate from their classmates' speeches as well as from the feedback they receive on their own.
  1. Tell Us About Yourself

    • Let young children speak what they know, in front of their classmates.

      "Let me see. I'm 5 years old, and where can I possibly begin?" With this topic you will probably learn more in a few minutes than you ever knew about a child. Have the child describe himself fully for you and for the class. The topic is overflowing with information that children know firsthand.

    What Three Things Did You Learn on Our Last Field Trip?

    • Field trips are fertile ground for speech topics.

      A speech topic that includes a question teaches children to respond with detail. Let them show their recall ability while enjoying the memory of a past event. You may want to make some 8-by-10 pictures of the field trip available so they can pick one and talk about it in detail.

    Sports and Hobbies

    • Sports and hobbies are fun to talk about if the speaker is a participant.

      Whether the pupil is participating, would like to participate or knows someone who participates, this is a rich topic to expound upon and to spark future interest. Hearing the speeches will also give children insight into how their experience with sports or hobbies relates to or differs from that of their classmates. Choosing this topic also may teach the speaker how to persuade others to participate.

    U.S. Presidents

    • Inspire children to make speeches that celebrate U.S. history.

      Having grade-school pupils speak about the history of our nation is beneficial in many ways. They will learn a great deal about the president about whom they will speak, and learn as well from the presentations of the other pupils.

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