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Uses for Dice in the Classroom

In the constant struggle to keep students engaged and inspired, games are a useful tool. Many popular games are decided by a fateful roll of the dice. There is nothing like the anticipation of watching dice bounce and flip to their resting position. These numbered cubes offer more than just entertainment in the classroom, however. Dice can be used to apply fundamental math principles.
  1. Basic Math

    • For early elementary learners, dice can be used reinforce addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students can roll dice and use the results to practice any of the four core math techniques. Use colored dice to add a step to the game. For example, the sum of the blue dice minus the sum of the red dice.


    • In a simple game called "Skunk," students can learn basic tendencies of dice as an introduction to probability. Start with all students standing. Each student takes a turn rolling two dice. If a one is rolled on either dice, the player's turn is over and all points are wiped out for the round. If doubles ones are rolled, the player's turn is over and all points accumulated for the entire game are wiped out. Otherwise, a player may continue to roll, collecting the sum of the two dice as their points. A player may end his turn at any time by sitting down. The player who has accumulated the most points after five rounds is the winner.

    Math Vocabulary

    • Roll two dice and ask students a series of questions that demonstrate their understanding of math vocabulary. Have them write the sum of the dice in word form, identify the difference between the two numbers, make a fraction using the lower digit as the numerator, and write the numbers in between the two digits.

    Activity Selection

    • Dice can make a school day more spontaneous and lively for kids. Present students with a set of options for the next subject and let them roll dice to decide which it will be. Students may be more engaged in the subject if they have a hand in picking it.

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