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Advanced Placement Art Project Ideas

Advanced Placement studio art is designed for students who are seriously interested in art. Final grades and AP credit are not based on a written exam, as in other AP classes, but on a portfolio of work. Students submit this portfolio at the end of the school year for evaluation. Students may submit portfolios in Drawing, 2-D Design or 3-D Design. Students must choose projects that demonstrate a breadth and depth of investigation, and a high level of quality.
  1. 2-D Design Ideas

    • The 2-D design category requires students to use principles and elements of art to create works that convey meaning. This can include any type of drawing, painting or other media that is in two dimensions. Take a series of photographs based on a theme, such as material, texture or pattern. For example, you could take photos or make drawings of patterns found in nature, or in the man-made world. Create a series of paintings focusing on aspects of the human form or on still-life images.

    3-D Design Ideas

    • This category is interpreted broadly, and can include any work in three dimensions that addresses issues of mass, volume and form, such as sculpture and relief work. All 3-D work is submitted in digital form, so you can make the work as large as you like. Projects can include building habitats or houses of various materials, or a series of sculptures using unusual materials but united around a single theme, such as love. Create a series of relief sculptures using a foam core base, onto which you place everyday objects and layers of paint. The objects can have different themes, such as everyday life, work or relationships.

    3-D Video Ideas

    • The 3-D category also includes video and other digital work. Make a series of videos that work together to form a complete concept. Videotape family or friends talking about a single topic. Video strangers or friends going about their day, speeding up or slowing down the action to emphasize certain aspects of the activity. Experiment with creating art works designed to be viewed on other forms of media, such as iPads and phones. Use projectors to project images onto different surfaces.

    Drawing Ideas

    • This category can include any art that makes marks on a surface, and includes printmaking, painting and mixed media. Combine words and images by making pen and ink drawings that incorporate words describing each picture's content. Parts of the picture can be composed of the words themselves. Words can be placed closer or farther apart, made bolder or lighter, to achieve different color values. Create dry point etchings on plexiglass and paint over the completed etching to create layers of color and image.

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