Home Schooling Secondary Courses

Educating children through home schooling is a growing trend as parents assess the advantages of tailoring a curriculum that is specific to the skills and interests of their children. Home schooling secondary courses are generally focused on core subjects that will translate to college admission requirements. Check with your state government's education officials, because requirements for home schools can vary from state to state.
  1. Language Arts

    • Four years of secondary school language arts courses are recommended in order to meet college admission requirements. Typical language arts courses can include vocabulary, grammar, composition and literature. Literature can include American literature, British literature and world literature, with one school year devoted to each. A strong curriculum and courses of creative writing can also be important, coupled with preparatory courses geared toward the SAT and/or ACT college entrance exams. If possible, speech and debate activities can also be helpful in this area.


    • Science education is important whether or not secondary school students are on a college track. Home schooling secondary courses in science can include biology, chemistry and physics, with advanced courses in each speciality as desired. At least three science classes are recommended for home-schooled students. In addition to traditional textbook study, students should have the opportunity to perform experiments and related lab work in each course, as well as visit science museums and related exhibits that can enhance classroom instruction.


    • Mathematics is a vital part of the educational process, and three math courses are generally recommended for secondary students. These can include classes in algebra, geometry, statistics, calculus and trigonometry, with more advanced courses taken as desired. Students who plan to attend college may wish to take four years of math in secondary school. Parents who work as their child's home school teachers are sometimes intimidated by math courses, but there are a wide range of teaching aids available. These include Internet material, interactive DVDs and group math classes with other home-schooled students.


    • History can be one of the most exciting courses for some secondary school students, and it is an equally important part of the home schooling curriculum. American history and American government courses should be taught to all secondary school students as part of a three or four-year history curriculum. Other courses can include world history, European history and possibly a course on the history of the state in which the student resides.

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