Home Schooling Recreational Activities

Including physical exercise in your home schooling routine is an important addition to any curriculum. Use the advantage of flexibility that home schooling affords to instill an appreciation for and love of physical activity in your students. Focus on your students' likes and dislikes as you try new things and discover a routine that makes you get up and go.
  1. Outdoor Exercise

    • On a sunny day, enjoy a bicycle ride around the neighborhood or a swift jog. Play a game of catch, basketball or street hockey. For younger kids, pull out some Hula Hoops and jump ropes to get their heart rate pumping. Ask you students what they want to try and encourage them to make it happen. The more involved with the exercise decisions they are, the more likely the habit can become permanent.

    Rainy Day Exercise

    • Don't let a rainy day dampen your physical exercise plans. Invest in a yoga or Pilates video to do at home. Kick off your shoes and wear some loose fitting clothes as you stretch out your body and find center and inner peace. If this doesn't fly for your home-schoolers, focus on other exercise options. Do activities like jumping jacks, situps, pushups, or dance to music. Be creative. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you move for at least 30 minutes a day.

    Community Resources

    • If you have the finances, take advantage of community resources like the YMCA. Not only do these types of facilities provide workout rooms and swimming pools, but they also offer a variety of classes. Let your students choose a class to take each quarter of the year. These can include karate, ballroom dancing, spinning and team sports. The important thing is that your students choose a class and learn to stick with it through the duration.

    State Parks

    • On extra special days, take your students to a state park for a hiking trip and picnic. This form of physical activity easily turns into a nature lesson with a guidebook for plants, animals and insects. Multitask on a walk through the woods as you identify various forms of nature.

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