How to Write a Report on Recycling

Writing a report on recycling is a great way to get your family, friends or community members involved in your efforts to make the world a little healthier. There are many different types of reports that can be written about recycling, from describing your individual recycling efforts or explaining the benefits of recycling to some completely unexplored recycling topic. No matter what angle you choose, writing your report clearly and effectively can help ensure that your voice will be heard.


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      Determine your audience by considering who you want to reach and why you want to reach them. Before you begin writing, researching or even brainstorming topic ideas, you should have a solid idea of who you will be talking to throughout your report. This will help you understand the tone of your paper, which can play an important role in deciding which topic you choose to write about. If you are aiming to inspire your family members to change their recycling happens, then your audience would be individual family members. Similarly, if you are writing the report for an assignment in school, consider your professor or teacher as your audience.

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      Decide what topic you would like to focus on. Choose something that has a special meaning to you, something you are interested in learning more about, or an aspect of recycling that you feel your report could shed new light on. Consider topics like the process of recycling, ways you have recycled in the past, or what your community or family could be doing to increase recycling in your neighborhood.

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      Create a strong and well-organized outline before you begin writing. Include sections for the introduction, each main body paragraph, and your conclusion. Consider writing your thesis statement, which is the topic sentence in your introduction that defines your main argument, along with your outline, because it will give you a good idea about the direction of your paper.

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      Write your paper slowly, carefully and deliberately. Make sure that you use clear transitions in between paragraphs, and boldly emphasize your introduction and conclusion. You want to ensure that your audience will be able to follow what you are saying throughout your report.

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      Edit your paper for silly grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. It is important that you revise your paper and make it sound its absolute best. If you edit and revise your paper you ensure that your audience will not dismiss it because of errors that could have easily been avoided.

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