How to Use Dermis in a Sentence

The word "dermis" is not commonly used outside of scientific and medical fields, so composing a sentence with it can be difficult. By becoming familiar with the word's part of speech, however, the process becomes decidedly more simple. When using any word in a sentence, it is important to be aware of the word's part of speech, especially if it is an unusual word. Using dermis in a sentence can be done fluidly by following a few simple steps.


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      Find a dictionary. Look up the word dermis. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the dermis is "the sensitive vascular inner mesodermic layer of the skin." Merriam-Webster also offers a more simplistic, student definition of the word: "The sensitive inner layer of skin directly under the epidermis."

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      Look for the word's part of speech. According to Merriam-Webster, dermis is a noun. A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. According to the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University, "nouns answer the questions, who and what."

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      Use dermis as the subject of the sentence: "The dermis was sliced from the deep incision."

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      Make the dermis the object of the sentence's action: "The incision cut through to the dermis."

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