Thesis Topics on Financial Aid

Student financial aid is a form of government assistance used to help prospective and current college students continue their education. Financial aid has been around in one form or another for years and has helped millions of students through college. You don't have to dig deep to find an interesting angle for a thesis paper on financial aid.
  1. History of Financial Aid

    • The student loan industry is one of the largest financial sectors in the United States and has a rich history. From the first scholarship Harvard University granted in 1643 to President Roosevelt's controversial (at the time) G.I. Bill to the Higher Education Act of 1965, there are many good angles for a thesis paper. Debates, disagreements, compromises and amendments have changed student financial aid to what it is today.

    Types of Financial Aid

    • Student aid comes in several different forms. Comparing and contrasting the benefits of each is a good thesis topic. The history of loans, grants and scholarships all wind down different paths. An interesting thesis could examine which came first, which came last and how they intertwine with each other.

    Controversial Practices Within Financial Aid

    • From affirmative action to questionable lending practices, controversy and the student financial aid industry go hand in hand. There are countless examples of students being denied aid because of their income, or being ineligible for a scholarship because of their race. There have been reports of student loan officers receiving special perks for recommending certain lenders to students. Dig deep enough in your thesis research and you may uncover a new controversy in the industry.

    Applying for Financial Aid

    • Applying for a scholarship is an entirely different process than filling out a FASFA form or applying for a Pell Grant. Some applications are relatively simple, others can be detailed and take hours to fill out. An interesting thesis topic would be analyze the breakdown of all the different financial aid options, noting which form of aid is most frequently requested, which is least requested and which type rewards the most money annually.

    Student Aid in America Versus Aid Abroad

    • Every country has its own student financial aid system. Some are undoubtedly better than others. A thesis comparing and contrasting the main types of financial aid offered around the world would be informative.

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