COBOL is a computer programming language first implemented more than fifty years ago. It was originally formulated by the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL) group in 1959. Although undergoing periodic revision throughout the decades, its basic computer language elements still remain. You can learn the more rudimentary skills programming tips using primary vocabulary, then initiate that skill-set in relevant ways.
  1. Statements

    • COBOL programming requires that you memorize a set of concepts, statements and clauses. Using statements such as "Add, Accept, Call, Close" and even "Delete," for example, programmers develop databases with word commands rather than with complicated mathematical equations and algorithms. Basic COBOL concepts such as data types helps users tell the difference between various classifications of information. Most computer programs will not recognize differences between letters, numbers or variations of the two, if you do not give it a set of rules to understand, for example.


    • A condition is a group of computer code that helps a computer distinguish, then compare data. Fields store information by coding with PIC and VALUE clauses and with level numbers. PIC clauses may be used to tell how long or fat a field appears, VALUE clauses allow a field too simultaneously appear when a computer calls up a piece or group of data, level numbers may group several fields together at once.

    Batch programs

    • A typical COBOL program works to automate business in most circumstances. Batch programs, for example, allow a computer to perform multiple tasks at once under one program. COBOL also has the ability to perform multiple subtasks, too. If you work with databases, you generally want a program to be able to insert groups of information (using the "INSERT" statement, for example) rather than individually. Batching may help a company save time and money, as well. You use JCL and DD statements for most batch programs.


    • When you develop an item such as a field or database, make sure everything fits. Truncation is a feature of COBOL that helps you do this. Truncation allows a computer program to better manipulate pieces or strings of data that are too long and lengthy. Most programs generally deal with alpha, numerical or even alphanumeric data. You can use the "MOVE" command to assign field value. The "SET" statement also assigns value to references and data types.

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