Online Schools to Learn Computers

Learning how to use a computer and all of the specific parts of a computer will greatly benefit you in a computer reliant world. Many people, especially older students with careers and families, are unable to attend regular classes at a brick and mortar school. These students can still learn more about computers by joining an on-line school that offers classes on computer use.
  1. Information Technology

    • Information Technology specialists manage computer information. The term is rather broad and can be used to describe a number of computer related information management positions. Students can take IT a la carte classes online or can obtain certificates or degrees in IT. Some courses that are available include classes that teach about specific software programs, including various Microsoft programs. Some certificates that are available include Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) and a certificate in Cisco CCNA Security.

    Computer Programming

    • Computer programmers write technical programs in fields as science and medical research, and they write programs used everyday by students and employers. Some schools offer free online computer programming classes. Some courses that are available include Java, HTML and C programming. Students can earn degrees such as an associate of arts and a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science with a programming emphasis.

    Computer Science

    • Computer scientists create new programming languages, study how computers are used and how to improve their performances. Many schools offer online classes in computer science. Students can take classes to earn associates of Art degrees up to a Doctorate of Computer Science - Emerging Media, for example.

    Other Schools to Learn About Computers

    • Some community colleges offer online classes that teach students basic computer use such as how to use the Internet, how to email or how to use a word processor. Many of these classes are considered community enrichment programs and may not result in college credits upon completion. Other schools offer classes on how to use specific software programs.

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