Pros and Cons of Taking Internet Classes

Internet classes have become a convenient option for many people, particularly those whose schedule or circumstances are not compatible with the traditional classroom environment. Individuals who take online classes learn by means of a virtual method that's commonly known as e-learning or distance learning. That being said, there are a number of pros and cons that come with taking Internet classes, so prior to enrolling in one it's important to understand the system and whether or not it's a good fit for your lifestyle, occupation, and overall career and educational goals.
  1. Flexibility and Accessibility

    • Flexibility and accessibility are major upsides when taking Internet classes because a student can work around a personal schedule and do the coursework at her own pace and time, from the location which suits her best.


    • A student may find Internet classes to work better as they don't come with the distractions of conventional classroom environment. Students who learn best through visual means or tend to have trouble participating in "normal" classroom practices, have the occasion to thrive, seeing as the interactions are not face-to-face.


    • Internet classes may also give a student the opportunity to not only take a class but work and virtually interact with people from all over the world (this is particularly significant for people who live in a remote or rural area that doesn't offer such classes and opportunities).


    • Additionally, Internet classes may help advance a student's computer skills, and many students can complete classes and earn their degree in less time than at traditional educational facilities.


    • Internet learning has a number of cons as well, including the lack of interpersonal relationships and getting to know the classmates, and professor face-to-face interaction. As a result, it may take extra before a constructive class rapport is established.

    Self-Discipline and Motivation

    • Students may have trouble with certain classes online (for example, math or physics) given that there's no teacher on hand to immediately answer questions or clarify an assignment. In order for students to be successful in Internet classes, they have to be self-disciplined and motivated (devoting the necessary amount of time and studying independently); those who tend to procrastinate or have trouble with time management are likely to find difficulty with the lack of structure.

    Required Materials

    • Internet class participants must have all the software and electronics (computer, high speed Internet access) required to participate in the class and be capable of navigating the Internet and using various types of programs.

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